αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Seattle, USA-WA 2024.12.02 Mary: For Josephine Prayer for Josephine who is in hospital ICU with heart-related illness. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Houston, USA-TX 2024.12.02 Tera Alexander: Sickness Praying for our baby, Willow, who was diagnosed with RSV and she laboring in her breathing they are trying to keep her oxygen level up to 100. Praying for her mom Kristy a single mother for peace and guidance for baby's healing. She's now back at home. Standing on Psalm 91, Isaiah 53:5. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Sparta, USA-WI 2024.12.02 (disciple): Request Pray that God replaces our stony hearts, speaks to us directly, and helps us follow His Son, so we may live in His presence and show His Salvation and trust Him with all. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Tyler, USA-TX 2024.12.02 Terri Palmer: Diverticulitis I am in need as prayer. I am suffering from diverticulitis as well and have not been feeling well. Pray for me to get well soon. I am really struggling with this not feeling well. |
ἔντευξίς APPEAL |  | from Spring, USA-TX 2024.12.02 Christopher: For Forgiveness Good morning. I ask for your prayers for me and my friend Maria. Last night, I made an assumption about her that was both uncalled for and deeply hurtful. She was caught off guard, and I know my words caused her pain. She cried and said she didn't want to see me anymore. Please join me in praying for forgiveness, for reconciliation, and for growth through this experience in Jesus. |
δέω BINDING |  | from Spartanburg, USA-SC 2024.12.01 Ryan: Joining Together My wife and I have been having communication problems recently. She is also moving to the United States from Mexico to live here permanently, so it will be our first time living together as God intends. Prayer that God bring us healing and understanding. That we do his will as a married couple and bring honor to him through our union. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Toronto, CANADA-ON 2024.12.01 Cecilia: Without A Job Pray for me for a financial miracle it's been almost a year without a job and it's a struggle and also a learning in faith. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Sparta, USA-WI 2024.11.30 Linda: Acne My daughter's acne is so painful on her face and to her understanding. It has been a source of teasing and bullying from other students and we pray God help her heal to His glory. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Ashland, USA-KY 2024.11.29 Aaron: Requests Remember me, with my glucose level dropping real low and is always hard to get it back up. Pray that I will receive courage I once had to witness and to wait for God. |
εύχαριστέω THANKFUL |  | from Richmond, USA-TX 2024.11.29 Maria Ivery: Hit And Run I'm thankful to God after working all night on yesterday. and while driving home on Beltway 8! a man hit me hard in traffic on the driver back side, and then took off. It shifted me, but didn't harm me. It was a hit and run but the angels helped guide me to the side as I blow my horn repeatedly but no one helped me. |
προσευξή DRAW NEAR |  | from Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO 2024.11.29 Jason Sositko: God Connect Through prayer, we communicate and connect with God. Through prayer, we sharpen our discernment; in prayer, we align ourselves with God's will; through prayer, we invite God almighty to intervene in life. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from New York, USA-NY 2024.11.29 (disciple): A Straight Faith Ho Alto y Glorioso Dios, dame una Fe recta, Esperanza cierta y Caridad perfecta, sentido y conocimiento Senor, para cumplir Tu Santo y Veraz Mandamiento. amen. [O High and Glorious God, give me a straight Faith, Certain Hope and perfect Charity, sense and knowledge Lord, to fulfill Your Holy and True Commandment. Amen.] |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Wooster, USA-OH 2024.11.29 Gwen Kaufman: Request They say I have post concussion disorder. Pray for me. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from New York, USA-NY 2024.11.28 Eugen Jep: Night Prayer Maombi ya usiku Ee Baba, Mikononi mwako naiweka Roho yangu. Tunakushuru Mungu kwa mapaji yote uliyotujalia leo. Ee Mungu wa majeshi Tunakushuru kwa wema wako umetulinda mchana kutwa mpaka kufikia sasa tunasema Asante sana. [Night prayer O Father, in your hands I place my spirit. We thank God for all the gifts you have given us today. O God of hosts, we thank you for your goodness, you have protected us all day until now, we say thank you very much.] |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Montevideo, URUGUAY 2024.11.28 Iglesia Catolica Montevideo: For Iglesia Dios mio, escucha nuestro clamor. Sabemos que podemos confiar en tu misericordia. "Te invoco, porque tu me respondes, Dios mio" (Salmo 17,6). amen. [My God, hear our cry. We know that we can trust in your mercy. "I call upon you, for you have answered me, O God" (Psalm 17:6). Amen.] |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Flagstaff, USA-AZ 2024.11.28 Thursby Family: For Thursby That Travis and I would honor God in our marriage and in our parenting. That our children, Ezekiel and Eliana, would love Jesus with their whole hearts for their whole lives, and that they would have a strong identity and relationship with Christ, and that they would have confidence in that identity and relationship. |
εύχαριστέω THANKFUL |  | from Oklahoma City, USA-OK 2024.11.27 Stephanie White: Giving Thanks Giving thanks to the Lord for allowing me and my family to see another day, and 17 weeks pregnant. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Richmond, USA-TX 2024.11.27 Carmina: Request Pray for our son, Francisco. He has arthritis like pain, and it is lingering. He has problems with pain, and it is affecting him to play the drums at school and here at church. He has overnight pain in random joins as well. I ask you to pray for him for healing. |
εύχή VOW |  | from Yerevan, ARMENIA 2024.11.27 (disciple): Just As You Gave Just as You gave Your son, we give our lives for our brothers. |
|  | from Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO 2024.11.27 Jason Sositko: Pray And Affirm Pray and affirm, and do it in faith. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Westminster, USA-CA 2024.11.27 Kate: To Care My son passed away and I adopted his 2 young children. Pray for healing for my heart and strength to take care of the kids. |
εύχαριστέω THANKFUL |  | from PARAGUAY 2024.11.27 Arrepientete Paraguay: Watching Over Us Dios esta al pendiente de nosotros y atento, tambien, a nuestro ruego, a nuestro clamor, a nuestras invocaciones por su favor. [God is watching over us and attentive to our prayers, our cries, and our invocations for His favor.] |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Spartanburg, USA-SC 2024.11.27 Melissa: Cancer To Go Prayer that the Lord will remove cancer from my Mom's body. |
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Charis RSS for Prayer Servants
Prayers of Penitence: David (II Samuel 11 & 12, Psalm 51)
- I. Sin, Coverup, Exposure. (II Samuel 11 & 12)
- II. Remorse and Repentance. (Psalm 51:1-5)
- III. Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth. (Psalm 32:1-5; 51:1-6)
- IV. Clean! (Psalm 51:7-15)
- V. Reflections on Sinning. (Romans 6:1-14)
- Daniel’s prayer: Daniel 9:4-19
- Elijah’s prayer: I Kings 18:36-39
- Hannah’s prayer: I Samuel 2:1-10
- Jehoshaphat’s prayer: II Chronicles 20:6-9
- Jonah’s prayer: Jonah 2:2-9
- Nehemiah’s prayer: Nehemiah 1:5-11
- The Lord’s Prayer: Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:2-4
- For His disciples: John 17
- Apostle’s prayer: Acts 1:24,25
- Believer’s prayer: Acts 4:24-30
- Stephen’s prayer: Acts 7:60
- Paul for Corinth: II Corinthians 13:7
- Paul for Ephesus: Ephesians 3:14-21
- Paul for Philippi: Philippians 1:9-11
- Paul for Colossi: Colossians 1:9-17
Prayer Classes [from Koine Greek, for the prayer servant]
[#4335] προσευξή | DRAW NEAR Matthew 21:13; Acts 12:5; Romans 15:30; Ephesians 1:16; I Peter 3:7; James 5:17-18.
[#1392] δοχάζο | GLORY Matthew 5:16; Luke 2:20; 5:25-26; 13:13; 23:47; John 13:31-32; 15:8; Acts 21:19-20; Romans 15:5-6; Revelation 15:3-4.
[#2168] εύχαριστέω | THANKFUL Luke 22:19-20; John 11:41; I Corinthians 10:30; II Corinthians 1:11; Ephesians 5:20; Colossians 1:12; 3:17; I Thessalonians 5:18; II Thessalonians 1:3; 2:13; Revelation 11:17.
[#0154] αίτέω | REQUEST Matthew 7:7-11; John 16:24; Philippians 4:6; I John 5:15.
[#1162] δέω | BINDING (petition) Matthew 16:19; 18:18; Luke 1:13; 2:37; 5:33; Acts 20:22; Romans 10:1; II Corinthians 1:11; Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 4:6; I Timothy 2:1-2; James 5:16; I Peter 3:12.
[#1783] ἔντευξίς | APPEAL I Timothy 2:1-6; 4:4-5.
[#2171] εύχή | VOW Psalm 76:11; Acts 18:18; James 5:15.