|  | from Bamako, MALI 2024.11.19 Ton: O Pray Fervently Dear Child of God, Pray O Pray fervently Pray consistently Pray with scriptures Pray in your understanding and pray in the spirit. After you have prayed, pray some more. |
ἔντευξίς APPEAL |  | from Baltimore, USA-MD 2024.11.19 Elizabeth: Israel To Their Messiah Father in Heaven help people to unite with Israel so they can receive Your blessing. Give born again Christian leaders spiritual hutzpah in Your Wisdom to proclaim Christ in full, Your Holy Word. Give Carol a super duper miracle healing that blows off her socks. All In Jesus, Whose name is precious and beautiful name. amen. |
ἔντευξίς APPEAL |  | from Spartanburg, USA-SC 2024.11.19 Mollie: For These Pray for Jordan, Caden, Raj Rani, Sadha, Ruben, Rajen, Inben, and Rennie, to follow Jesus to the rescue of their whole being. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Richmond, USA-TX 2024.11.19 Robert: Sickness Pray for my wife Jill. She is in ICU due to diabetic ketoacidosis, brought on by the flu. She now has pneumonia and is in septic shock. She is on a ventilator and they are keeping her blood pressure up by medication. Her prognosis is guarded which means it could go either way;. Pray for her recovery and for our family. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Dublin, IRELAND 2024.11.19 Sharyn Smyth: Call Unto Him Call unto Him. Ask, seek, and knock. The door shall be opened. The value of consistent prayer is not that He will hear us, but that we will hear Him my friends. I pray that God's love comforts you today and that His peace would be made apparent. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Bakersfield, USA-CA 2024.11.19 Janet: Losing Consciousness Pray for me, I've been passing out lately, and going to see my Neurologist on Thursday 11-14. He may take away My Drivers License for a time. Pray that God will take away'all fear, and heal me. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Oslo, NORWAY 2024.11.19 (disciple): Work To The Harvest Father, let the work we have done today be sown for an eternal harvest. Through our Lord, amen. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Indianapolis, USA-IN 2024.11.19 Gabe Bruner: Multiply Our Efforts Pray that the student ministry would finish strong this year, that the students would find Jesus more beautiful and worthy than all the world. Pray for us leaders that we would serve joyfully and patiently, knowing that all our meager efforts are multiplies through God's sovereign blessings. |
δέω BINDING |  | from Accra, GHANA 2024.11.19 (disciple): While We Yet Live Tuenderee kumuomba mwenyezi mungu tunapo kuwa safalini. [Let's continue to pray to the almighty God while we are on the pavement.] |
εύχή VOW |  | from Cali, COLOMBIA 2024.11.19 (disciple): To Walk With Faith Dios, te agradezco por este nuevo dia que me das. Te pido que renueves mis fuerzas y que me ayudes a caminar con fe. Que tu amor sea mi refugio y mi consuelo. [God, I thank you for this new day that you have given me. I ask that you renew my strength and help me walk with faith. May your love be my refuge and my comfort.] |
ἔντευξίς APPEAL |  | from Fuquay Varina, USA-NC 2024.11.19 Summer: To Rejoice In You In to your hands oh God I lift up my request, Lord in your mercies do not forsake me, stand up for my hope, wipe my tears. End my sorrowful nights, eleviate me according your righteousness. Then my heart will rejoice in You. amen. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Littleton, USA-CO 2024.11.18 Seowon Park: Seeking A Sign Lord God, YHWH, I believe you are alive. Please answer my one and only wish to know that you are real. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Mashhad, IRAN 2024.11.18 (disciple): Through The Hours Of This Night Be present, O merciful God, and protect us through the hours of this night, so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this life may rest in your eternal changelessness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. amen. |
προσευξή DRAW NEAR |  | from Bristol, USA-PA 2024.11.18 Bill Bronsberg: Loss Bill's son, who had cerebral palsy, just passed away and he's completely devastated. Prayer as they are mourning the loss of their son. |
εύχαριστέω THANKFUL |  | from Saint Charles, USA-IL 2024.11.18 Jennifer: Hope Rising Praise Jesus! This rash is fading. God is so good! It will be there for several months, but will eventually fade. I confess that I was so filled with fear, but Jesus changed my mind. We should thank Him every day for His wisdom and providence to care. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Houston, USA-TX 2024.11.18 Tonny: For My Mother Prayer for my mother, Jerri, as she appears to be approaching end of ife. She was given 3-6 months after a stage 4 primary peritoneal/ovarian cancer diagnosis. She is at peace about not doing treatment. I need wisdom about when to move in with her to care for her during the night, etc. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Gastonia, USA-NC 2024.11.18 Joyce Short: Request Pray for me, I have Afib and it has been very difficult to deal with, and the anxious moments. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Peten, GUATEMALA 2024.11.18 Arturo: Pray For Us intercede ante nuestro senor jesucristo por todos nosotros. amen. [intercede before our Lord Jesus Christ for all of us. amen.] |
δοχάζο GLORY |  | from Dodoma, TANZANIA 2024.11.18 Ntokozojoydube: The Lord Is Faithful Hatutaweza kunyamaza wakati ndugu zetu mmewateka "But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3 "Lakini Bwana ni mwaminifu, atakayewafanya imara na kuwalinda kutoka kwa yule mwovu." 2 Wathesalonike 3:3. [We will not be able to remain silent when our brothers have been captured "But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3 "But the Lord is faithful, who will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3] |
δοχάζο GLORY |  | from Clearwater, USA-FL 2024.11.18 Ed: To The Firstborn My firstborn son's firstborn son, James, was born three weeks premature on October 21st. He was diagnosed with several heart issues and had surgery five days after birth. He received a catheter recently, and now the physicians think he can't withstand another surgery at this time. May God show us all hope in His way. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Emory, USA-TX 2024.11.18 Fry family: For Susan Praises to God for Hagen Fry and his recovery from dysphagia. He's now had his last swallowing test, and this confirming that he is growing out of this with no more medical intervention scheduled! |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Philadelphia, USA-PA 2024.11.18 Seowon Park: Faith To Strengthen Pray that my faith will be strengthen. I do believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He died for sins. Help my unbelief. Will you pray for me? |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Bristol, USA-PA 2024.11.17 Angela: On The Run Away From God Pray for our son Justin, he's about ready to give up on life. He's really struggling in every area, and he's running from God. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Los Angeles, USA-CA 2024.11.17 Veronica: Kneeling To Your Presence Senor miranos mientras nos arrodillamos humildemente ante tu presencia, con el corazon encendido te rogamos y suplicamos que llenes nuestras almas de puros sentimientos, de fe, esperanza y caridad. [Lord, look upon us as we humbly kneel before your presence, with our hearts burning in flames we beg and implore you to fill our souls with pure faith, hope and charity.] |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Bakersfield, USA-CA 2024.11.17 Cathy: For A Full Recovery Prayer for my nephew, Trevor. He was attacked by two men. He has a skull fracture and brain bleed, broken ankle and other injuries. Pray for healing and complete recovery. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Richmond, USA-TX 2024.11.17 Pastor Marlena: Request Sharon Scott desires prayer for her eyes, and her physical body. She is standing on the faith of a mustard seed, and she is saying to this Mountain of Sickness, be removed. As Jesus said. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Oklahoma City, USA-OK 2024.11.17 (disciple): His Kingdom To Come Pray for our nation as emotions and tensions run high after the National election. Pray for the Lord's Kingdom to come, and His will to be done rather than our own will and desires. Pray for a peace that surpasses all understanding to guard our hearts and minds, and for the Spirit to supply the unity of the saints in the land. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Oklahoma City, USA-OK 2024.11.17 Davi Goulart: Self-Sabotage I don't know why I keep sabotaging myself---from trying to wake up early to starting and sticking with commitments. I'm frustrated and disappointed in myself, and I'm unsure if I should pray for this, but I ask for prayers that God releases me from self-sabotage. |
ἔντευξίς APPEAL |  | from Sugar Land, USA-TX 2024.11.17 Sabrina: Over Our Land Pray for healing over our land and its people. We have fallen farther still and the Lord is able to restore and to heal us. 2nd Chronicles 7:14-15 |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Bristol, USA-PA 2024.11.17 Dianne Fagan: Miscarriage Prayer for our niece, Rebecca, who had a miscarriage 5 days ago and is brokenhearted. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Spring, USA-TX 2024.11.17 Judith: Requests Asking for prayer because, as the end of the year approaches, work slows done and stress goes up. We've come a long away, and we need to remain hopeful in these difficult times. Also asking for prayer for my husband, Fernando. May his heart be opened to Jesus and to get to know the love of Christ for him. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Eau Claire, USA-WI 2024.11.16 Carla: Heart And Mind To God Prayers for our son to open his heart and mind to God, who will grant Him deliverance from many additions. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA 2024.11.16 Jason Sositko: Request We ask the creator of the heavens and the earth to bless and to protect all the people from halfa to nimule and from al-genina to sinkat and our families that are living under occupation in beni-shangul gumuz, gambella, halayeb & shalateen. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from UGANDA 2024.11.16 Trinity: Request I am home early from school term with possible malaria. Pray for me. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Kitchener, CANADA-ON 2024.11.16 Judy: For As Many People I Can Get I am asking for as many people I can get to pray for our daughter, Brittany. Britt has down syndrome and has already had 3 heart surgeries. She is now going to have her 4th. We are not sure where or when it's going to be. I am praying for a miracle. I am a single mom. |
δοχάζο GLORY |  | from Lima, PERU 2024.11.16 Jason Sositko: The Fire Of God The Lord moves in a powerful way in the Dominican Republic. The glory of God swept throughout the people and many lives were revived by the fire of God! |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Spartanburg, USA-SC 2024.11.16 Dimitry: Release From The Evil I greet you in the powerful name of Almighty Father God and His Son, Christ the King, the Prince of Peace. I ask for prayer that the Lord Almighty will bring release for any evil thoughts from the minds and hearts of those who harbor them. |
ἔντευξίς APPEAL |  | from Lanham, USA-MD 2024.11.16 Sharon: Homeless And Rebellious Pray for my 18-year-old granddaughter who is homeless and rebellious and my son he too is homeless they both suffer within their thoughts and are consumers of marijana. |
|  | from Charlotte, USA-NC 2024.11.16 Resa: The Tongue Of Faith Prayer is faith resting in, acting with, leaning on and obeying God. Prayer is always believing... and prayer is the tongue of faith. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Spartanburg, USA-SC 2024.11.16 Davi Goulart: Set Me Free Pray that I am broken free from unhealthy practices and pornography. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Richmond, USA-TX 2024.11.16 LeAnna Foley: Request I'm asking for prayers for my family. I pray that we can unite as a family to help care for my elderly mother through her closing days. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS 2024.11.15 (disciple): The Lord To You Que as Bencaos do Altissimo Deus seja sobre sua vida, sobre sua familia. "O Senhor te abenc" e te guarde; 25o Senhor faca resplandecer O seu rosto sobre ti e te conceda graca; 26o Senhor volte para ti O seu rosto e te de paz. [May the blessings of the Most High God be upon your life and upon your family. "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.] |
ἔντευξίς APPEAL |  | from Stigler, USA-OK 2024.11.15 Jeff Elohim: In Nigeria Prayer, as killing continues for Nigerians. ...especially ministers serving in the church, by terrorists in northeast Nigeria, continues. This is the third pastor to be killed within a short time by these terrorists.' ISWAP also attacked predominantly Christian villages at the same time the pastor was slain |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Bristol, USA-PA 2024.11.15 Andrew Pick: Requests The Holy Spirit to restrain the thoughts within me and rescue me from depression and make for me a healthy schedule in Jesus. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Nairobi, KENYA 2024.11.15 Simon Mbevi: Restore Us Gracious Merciful Heavenly Father hear the cries of your people. We need Your divine intervention. We see all this evil, oppression and perversion that is being done to Your children. Awake the blinded; bring true repentance; a fire of revival. Restore us. |
δέω BINDING |  | from Cali, COLOMBIA 2024.11.15 (disciple): Under Your Mercy amado dios, pues se que a tu lado no me faltara nada. bajo tu misericordia dejo mi vida, mi familia y nuestros anhelos, amen. [Dear God, I know that at your side I will lack nothing. Under your mercy I leave my life, my family and our desires, amen.] |
|  | from Houston, USA-TX 2024.11.15 (disciple): Make It Easier For God Prayer is important and you can pray anywhere and God is everywhere. He can hear you. But most importantly, make it easier for God to help you by doing the right thing. Faith without work is dead! |
δέω BINDING |  | from Charlotte, USA-NC 2024.11.15 Resa: Everywhere Even in the most dangerous places on earth, we pray unceasingly. |
δέω BINDING |  | from Nairobi, KENYA 2024.11.14 Omwanda: Ask God To Supply When you pray, ask God to supply in you the strength, courage, patience and hope in difficult times, knowing it is in hard times that our faith in God gets tested The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Oklahoma City, USA-OK 2024.11.14 Bernice: Family Apart Praying for my family to find a home. I was able to see my other sonshine today and I was very happy, yet sad with him having to leave. I would love to have my family'all back together. |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Frisco, USA-TX 2024.11.14 Katharina: Strength To Travel Well Pray that nothing will trigger the difficult side of my autism, so that I can travel like I do in my stories. |
προσευξή DRAW NEAR |  | from Nairobi, KENYA 2024.11.14 Murimah: Heal Our Land "If My people which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and PRAY, and seek MY face, and turn from their wicked ways; Then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land." II CHRONICLES 7:14 |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Spring, USA-TX 2024.11.14 Matthew: Seizures My daughter, Addison, has begun having seizures with no history of seizures. Multiple seizures over multiple days. Many doctors and tests. She given up her license and has had to move home. A lot of stress and sadness. Pray for us, that God draw near to deliver us in these times. |
δοχάζο GLORY |  | from Sao Jose dos Campos, BRAZIL 2024.11.14 Rubens Mateus: Deus Seja Louvado Deus seja louvado, adorado e exaltado, Gratidao Senhor. [God be praised, worshiped and exalted. Thank You Lord.] |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from New York, USA-NY 2024.11.14 Mary Amy: For Mary God, please make the days useful, the nights restful, this home peaceful and Your efforts in me fruitful. |
δοχάζο GLORY |  | from Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA 2024.11.13 (disciple): So Is His Praise Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised In the city of our God, In His holy mountain. We have thought, O God, on Your lovingkindness, In the midst of Your temple. According to Your name, O God, So is Your praise to the ends of the earth. |
ἔντευξίς APPEAL |  | from Baltimore, USA-MD 2024.11.13 Harry: Healing And Signs And Wonders Heavenly Father's healing and signs and wonders to 1.3 billion people living in spiritual darkness in China alone. Give the saints boldness to preach the gospel and live Christ to those who will be seeking Him today. amen. Acts 4:16; 29-31 |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Kihei, USA-HI 2024.11.13 Brandon: Praise Be To God Praise be to God! Sober! Blood pressure is in normal range, and my back pain is gone! No longer can find the cancer. Look what God has done! Thank You, Jesus! |
αίτέω REQUEST |  | from Philadelphia, USA-PA 2024.11.13 Lin Peters Szell: Grace To Regina Pray for my cousin, Regina. She has been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer. It is a time for the grace of Jesus to have a greater part in all our lives. |
εύχαριστέω THANKFUL |  | from Bamako, MALI 2024.11.13 Ton: In This Day Let's pray be4 bed. God, our loving Creator and Provider, we love You and we are made to honor You. We exalted Your name today and above all names. God, there is no other God with Your reign so high and mighty. We thank You for Your Grace that saw us accomplish righteous goals in this day. |